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Certificates and awards

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VESKOM, spol. s r.o. confirmed ISO 9001 quality certificate, ISO 14001 environmental certificate, OHSAS 18001 safety and health at work and ISO 50001 management of energy.

In March 2018, VESKOM, spol. s r.o. passed successfully through an audit, according to the following standards: ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system, OHSAS 18001:2008 safety and health at work management system and ISO 50001:2012 energy management system.

Certification of the entire integrated system was carried out by the accredited certification company T Cert, s.r.o.

Integrated management system policy

The main objective of VESKOM company is to increase the satisfaction of all customers, to improve the quality of all services offered, to continually improve its environmental impact, to protect it preventively in all activities provided by the company, to behave according to the principles of health and safety management at work and to manage in the framework of the sustainable development of energy the intensity of its activities.

VESKOM company constantly pursues and looks for paths and tools leading to the introduction of the latest technologies and practices in the compressed air, cooling and heating energy sectors. In the field of compressed air, the company wants to maintain and consolidate its position among the top five companies in the field in terms of technology and quality, for which each employee of the company is responsible.

In the field of heating, the company wants to be the largest supplier of heat pumps in the Czech Republic in the number of installations and the best supplier in the quality of the installations, for which each employee of the company is responsible.

The mission of the company is also the ecological impact on customers, i.e. in the promotion, education and supply of the equipment, to prefer those equipment and solutions that are the energy and ecological best.

The company is as good and professional as its employees. VESKOM company therefore ensures the permanent improvement of the qualifications of all its employees through professional (technical, linguistic, computer, environmental, health and safety, etc.) trainings.

The overall quality system, ecology and work safety include both contractors and external co-operators, from whom we require proof of high quality products and services, minimal negative environmental impact, and compliance with health protection principles.

The management of the company is personally responsible for the fact that VESKOM company will meet the requirements of all applicable laws, regulations, standards and stakeholders and will seek to increase the effectiveness of the integrated management system.

In the environmental field, VESKOM company focuses primarily on pollution prevention. Any possible negative effects resulting from the manipulation, use and disposal of the company supplied products are anticipated and, if possible, eliminated. Both employees and the customer are informed about them.

In the field of health protection at work, emphasis is placed on compliance with the OHSAS 18001 standard in line with valid legislation. The company is committed to preventing the possibility of accidents at workplaces.

In the field of energy management, VESKOM company emphasizes the adherence to the ISO 50001 standard in line with valid legislation. The company commits itself to reducing the energy intensity of its activities.

This company policy is binding on all employees of VESKOM, spol. s r.o. and its effectiveness is due on the day of its announcement. For all employees, customers and other people, it’s available on the company’s website. Policy forms the framework for setting goals and programs for the company and the company’s management is committed to securing the resources to implement them.

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